Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) racking system featuring high-density automated storage for efficient inventory management in warehouses.

Racking Storage Mistake to Void

Top Mistakes Warehouse Managers Overlook When Choosing Racking Storage

Alright, let’s get real—choosing the right racking storage system for your warehouse isn’t just about slapping up some shelves and calling it a day. It’s a big deal! A lot of people think they’ve got it figured out, only to overlook some key stuff that can mess up their entire operation. But don’t sweat it! We’re going to break down the mistakes you don’t want to make when picking out racking storage, especially with the warehousing industry booming in Malaysia.

1. Forgetting Your Industry’s Unique Needs

Not all racks are created equal. Many warehouse managers make the mistake of picking a standard racking system, thinking it’ll work across the board. But here’s the thing: if you’re running a cold storage facility for food or pharmaceuticals, your racks need to handle freezing temperatures. Chemical warehouses? You need racks that resist corrosion. Ignoring these industry-specific needs can lead to damaged goods or hefty fines.

Quick Fix: Know what your industry demands! For instance, food and beverage storage can’t use regular steel racks—35% of such setups experience rusting and contamination issues within the first two years. Look for temperature or corrosion-resistant racking storage systems based on your specific needs.

Types of Racking System

2. Ignoring Racking Storage Load Distribution

We all know racks have a load limit, but it’s not just about the total weight—it’s about how the weight is distributed. Industries like automotive or steel often store irregularly shaped and unevenly distributed loads, which can cause rack failures. And the numbers back it up—24% of warehouse accidents in 2023 were due to uneven load distribution on racks.

Pro Tip: Don’t just think “How much can this rack hold?”—think “How is the weight spread out?” Use adjustable beams to manage different-sized loads and maintain proper distribution. A racking storage collapse can cost you not just products, but also worker safety and downtime.

3. Misjudging Product Turnover Rates

Ever notice how some racking storage always empty while others are overflowing? That’s because not all products move at the same pace. High-turnover industries like e-commerce or FMCG require fast access to inventory while slower-moving stock might just take up space. Misjudging these turnover rates can lead to inefficient storage, costing you valuable time and money. In fact, warehouses that optimize turnover rates see a 20-30% boost in productivity.

What to Do: For fast-moving goods, go with shuttle racking or selective racking systems to speed up picking times. For slower stock, twin bay racks will do the trick. This tailored approach reduces bottlenecks and keeps things running smoothly.

4. Forgetting About the Warehouse Climate

Malaysia’s hot and humid climate can do a number on your racking storage system, especially in coastal areas like Penang or Johor Bahru. 60% of warehouses located in humid regions experience rust and corrosion within the first three years. If your racks rusting or warping, that’s going to cost you in repairs and replacements—not to mention the risk of structural failure.

Easy Fix: Get racks that are built to last—look for rust-resistant materials like galvanized steel, which can extend the life of your racks by 50% in high-humidity environments. And don’t skip those regular inspections—better safe than sorry!

5. Not Thinking About Future Automation of Racking Storage

Automation going to be the top priority, especially in Malaysia, where warehouse automation in industries like e-commerce is projected to grow by 10-15% annually. The problem? Many warehouses don’t plan ahead for this shift. Choosing a racking storage system that doesn’t accommodate future tech like automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) can leave you stuck with an outdated setup.

Pro Move: Go for racks that are ready for automation. Systems like ASRS are designed to integrate with certain racking types. Even if you’re not ready for robots today, make sure your racking system can handle them tomorrow.

6. Only Planning for Average Inventory (Watch Out for Seasonal Peaks)

Got a seasonal business? If you’re in retail or agriculture, you know peak season can hit hard. But many managers only plan their racking storage based on average inventory levels, and that’s a recipe for chaos. During peak seasons, your warehouse could overflow, leading to cluttered aisles and slow operations. According to a report, 40% of warehouses face space shortages during their busiest months.

Quick Fix: Go for flexible racking solutions like racking supported platforms, which can be expanded or contracted as needed. This way, you’re not scrambling for space when your inventory surges.

7. Focusing Too Much on Price or Looks of Racking Storage

We get it—everyone loves a bargain. But focusing on the cheapest racking system or one that just looks sleek can hurt you in the long run. A cheap system may break down more often, and in a humid country like Malaysia, a non-rust-resistant system can have a 70% higher repair cost over its lifetime compared to more durable options.

What You Really Need: Consider the total cost of ownership (TCO). Sure, you might save some cash upfront with a budget system, but a quality racking setup will save you on maintenance and downtime over the long term. Plus, a well-built raking storage system can better handle Malaysia’s humidity and warehouse wear and tear.

A Quick Glance at Common Racking Issues and Solutions:

Ignoring load distributionUneven loads leading to rack collapseUse adjustable beams for better weight distribution
Failing to plan for automationExpensive retrofits down the roadChoose racks compatible with future automation
Overlooking warehouse climateRust and corrosion shortening rack lifespanUse galvanized or rust-resistant materials
Misjudging product turnoverSlower pick times and warehouse bottlenecksFlow racks or selective racking for high-turnover goods
Buying based on price aloneFrequent repairs and replacementsInvest in durable, weather-resistant systems


At the end of the day, the right racking storage system can make or break your warehouse operations. Whether you’re in logistics, e-commerce, manufacturing, or retail, getting it right from the start saves you headaches (and money) in the long run. In Malaysia’s fast-growing market, where warehousing and storage are more crucial than ever, avoid falling into the trap of making common mistakes.

Think ahead, prioritize durability, and optimize for your specific needs—this way, your warehouse will run like a well-oiled machine!

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Warehouse mezzanine floor with steel structure and shelving units

Mezzanine Floor malaysia : Benefit and consideration in 2024

Innovative Storage Solutions: Mezzanine Floors Explained

Warehouse space is incredibly valuable. Inefficient warehouse setups can waste up to 30% of your time and money. However, there’s a smart solution to maximize your existing space without the need for new construction: a mezzanine floor. When you running Out of Warehouse Space? A Mezzanine Floor Can Help

What is a Mezzanine Floor?

A mezzanine floor or mezz flooring is essentially an additional story within your warehouse, providing extra space for storage, work, or even relaxation. This mezz flooring platform is built inside your existing warehouse, effectively doubling your usable area.

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Warehouse mezzanine floor with steel structure and shelving units

Benefits of a Mezzanine Floor

  • More Storage Space: Imagine doubling the size of your warehouse without the big cost of building an extension. That’s what a mezz flooring does. You can put things you don’t need to use often on the upper level and keep the busy areas clear on the ground floor. Businesses with mezzanine floor say they can store about 62% more stuff.
  • Better Workflow: A well-planned mezz flooring can make your workers more efficient and improve the organization by dedicating different levels to different activities. For example, items frequently picked can be stored on the mezz flooring, closer to packing areas, enhancing the order-picking process by 20-30%. This can save time and effort. Workers can find things quicker, which means orders are ready faster.
  • Dedicated Work Areas: Mezz flooring can create quiet spaces for office work or quality control, away from the bustling warehouse floor. You can even create a break room up there if you have space. This gives your team a better place to work and concentrate, thus making them happier and more productive.
  • Cost-Effective: Constructing a new warehouse is costly. A mezz flooring is a more affordable option, costing about 40-60% less per square foot. It’s also easier to install without disrupting your business too much. If your business changes, you can often change the mezz flooring or even remove it.

Things to Consider

  • Ceiling Height: Ensure your warehouse has enough height to accommodate a mezz flooring.
  • Building Codes and Laws: Check local regulations regarding weight capacity and material use.
  • Professional Help: Consulting with an engineer and provider for the design and necessary permits is advisable.
Warehouse mezzanine floor with steel structure and shelving units

But is a mezzanine floor the same as a second floor?

Mezzanine floors differ significantly from traditional second floors. Unlike second floors, which involve major construction and significant disruptions, mezzanines require much less construction work and cause minimal disruption to your existing space. They can be installed quickly and efficiently, making them an ideal solution for businesses that need to minimize downtime.

A mezz flooring is an excellent way to optimize your warehouse space without a hefty investment. It helps you store more, work smarter, and save money. If you’re seeking an effective solution to your warehouse challenges, a mezzanine floor could be the perfect answer.

Want to learn more about how a mezzanine floor can help your business?

Contact us today for expert advice

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