The Double Deep Racking system is a high-density storage solution designed to maximize warehouse space by allowing pallets to be stored two deep within each racking bay. This innovative racking system effectively doubles the storage capacity compared to standard pallet racking setups, making it an ideal choice for warehouses with high-volume inventory needs.

To operate a Double Deep Racking system efficiently, specialized pallet handling equipment is essential. Warehouses can utilize either a specialized forklift designed specifically for Double Deep Racking or a standard forklift equipped with a double deep handling attachment. This equipment allows for precise access and retrieval of pallets stored in the deeper sections of the racking system, ensuring smooth and efficient warehouse operations.

Overall, Double Deep Racking offers a strategic solution for warehouses aiming to optimize their storage capacity and operational efficiency. By investing in the right equipment and proper training, businesses can fully leverage the benefits of this advanced racking system.


  • Doesn’t require high number of homogenous pallet types
  • Achieving increases in capacity of up to 30% more than Selective pallet racking.
  • Lower cost alternative against Drive-In Racking, while increasing capacity by up to 30%.

Ideal For:

  • High Density Storage- maximizing cubic space
  • Reduces aisles space increases cubed space utilization
  • When alternative systems such as the Drive-In Racking are not possible
Side view diagram of a double deep pallet racking system, showing two pallet storage levels with beams, uprights, and aisle for access.

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