At Hyperack Sdn Bhd, we know that regular racking inspection is crucial for maintaining the safety and efficiency of your storage systems. Our expert Warehouse Racking Inspection service ensures that your racking systems are in top condition, meet industry standards, and support your operational needs effectively.

Our comprehensive racking inspection process covers all aspects of your storage systems. From evaluating the structural integrity of your pallet racking to checking compliance with safety regulations, our team conducts thorough warehouse racking inspections to identify potential issues before they become problems. We focus on every detail, ensuring that your racking systems can handle the weight and volume of your inventory while minimizing risks.

Inspections can:

  • Offer a speedy repair service
  • Extend the life span of facilities
  • Prevent damage to people or goods
  • Minimise future repair costs by discovering risks early

The report you will receive uses the traffic light system:

  • Green: items with negligible damage that is safe to use.
  • Amber: Damage that needs repairs but does not require immediate off-loading.
  • Red: Severe damage that requires the rack to be off-loaded immediately and isolated from use.

Annual Rack Inspection service:

  • Comprehensive professional inspection
  • No interruption to operations
  • Detailed inspection report
  • Independent expert to assess equipment
  • Reminder of when next inspection is due
  • Support between visits
  • Load signs for each rack stating its maximum capacity.

Trusted independent warehouse racking systems inspection from a world leader

As the world’s leading inspection company since year 1996, we offer you unrivalled expertise, ensuring the reliability and safety of racking systems across the globe. To discuss how our racking systems inspection could benefit your organization, contact us today.

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