Shuttle racking is a cutting-edge, semi-automated storage solution designed to maximize storage capacity and efficiency. Utilizing a motorized shuttle, this system transports pallets within a racking structure, offering superior performance over traditional pallet racking systems. At Hyperack, we provide shuttle racking systems with various profiles to suit different budget requirements, ensuring optimal storage solutions for our customers.

The shuttle racking system features a battery-powered shuttle that navigates on rails within the racking structure. These rails guide the shuttle, which stores pallets on top of each other within the racking lanes. The shuttle, controlled remotely by an operator, performs key tasks such as inserting pallets into the racking lanes, extracting pallets from the lanes, and moving pallets within the lanes to optimize storage.

Hyperack’s shuttle racking systems are designed to enhance warehouse operations by significantly improving storage density and retrieval times. The remote-controlled shuttle ensures efficient handling of pallets, reducing the need for manual labor and minimizing the risk of damage. By investing in our shuttle racking systems, businesses can achieve a more organized and productive warehouse environment.


  • The motorized shuttle reduces the time required to store and retrieve pallets.
  • Automation minimizes the need for manual handling, leading to lower labor expenses and fewer errors.
  • Can be adapted to various warehouse sizes and configurations.
  • Remote operation reduces the risk of accidents and damage to goods during pallet handling.
  • Requires less space as it eliminates the need for forklift lanes.

Ideal for:

  • Facilities with large volumes of inventory that require efficient and high-density storage.
  • Businesses that experience seasonal fluctuations in inventory levels.
  • Cold storage environments, where maximizing space and efficiency is crucial.
  • Distribution centers that need to quickly and accurately move large quantities of goods.
  • Facilities looking to integrate more automation into their operations for improved efficiency and reduced labor costs.

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